Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Summer Vacation: LATE

Hey everyone! I'm back! I haven't posted any blogs for a while now because of Summer vacation. So how's everyone's Summer going so far? Mine's going smoothly. I got some of my pencils and tools ready for school. Coming back to school is a major headache but you'll get use to it. Besides, we have a couple of breaks over the school year so why not? Last weekend I went to the beach and I came home with a couple of cuts on my feet. The beach had rocks under the surface surprisingly and people got injured because of that. Well in surprise, we were on the other side of the beach which was the worse place to be in,( e.,i all rocks and unswimable). It was alright though because after that I got to eat some delicious Ice- cream. Cotton Candy flavoured!! I thought it would taste more sweeter because they usually exaggerate saying it tastes like Cotton Candy, but it actually tastes like real Cotton Candy from the carnival. Yum! Regular weekdays are fun too. I got to go around the streets shopping and having fun. Got pretty tan from doing that but that's okay, my tan will fade during the Winter time.. I ate a whole bunch of Ice-cream and Popsicles during the weekdays and they were extremely unique flavours. I eat Ice-cream and Popsicles 4 seasons around but mostly during Summer. I loved the Rocket Popsicle, it tastes really good and unique. QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your favourite Ice-cream/Popsicle? Comment down below! :) 

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