Friday, April 24, 2015

Weirdest trends in Asia EVER!

OMG weird trend ALERT! Okay so look, everyone has their own style and that's totally cool BUT things can also get a bit overboard sometimes, WHICH is totally normal. I do it all the time! You don't get fame but you get scold by your asian mom, saying,"WHY YOU LOOK LIKE DA UGLY, YOU SEE YOUR LITTLE SISTA, SHE DA SEXEH ANGEL!!!" Okay may be I was exaggerating a bit? Okay fine ALOT BUT she does say something like that.. Something. Okay let's start!

1.Fake braces, first of all who on earth would like braces. ( ME IT'S PRETTY BUT MAYBE PAINFUL) Okay but in China it is to be said that if you have fake braces, you are very wealthy. Weird...

2.Bird poop facial, Okay that is very... um dangerous because it can blind you, people are very crazy, everyone is crazy, Japanese people think it helps your skin younger.. Urm that's a cool way for therapy :D But um I don't want to do it. But at the same time,,, It's cool!

3.Bagel in the middle of your head, Ugh doesn't that make you seem like food? Japan is obsessed, haha, luckily it doesn't last long at all, it lasts for like 66 days and like 16 hours.I'm hungry now thanks to that..

4.Yaeba teeth, Uh does anyone here have crooked teeth?If yes, well that's good news for you, because in Japan Yaeba teeth is actually a trend, people even perform surgery for it! It's crazy, but It's pretty cute when you smile ;D

5.White skin, Every asian girl wants WHITE skin for some reason, I'm tan and I'm proud c; But sometimes It makes me feel left out since most of my asian friends are white looking! But Asia wants the whitest skin possible! Wengie is one of my most favourite youtubers! <3 She makes everything amazing! Her eyebrows are on fleek.. <3

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